Earlier today I found out that an old mate couldn't make it across to Canada for the holidays. I have known Adrian for almost 40 years (am I that old!) we met as young soldiers in the Army and had a lifetime worth of adventures in the two and a half years we spent together in the First Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1 RAR).
Not satisfied with our military antics we spent five months touring the world together, some of it in a fried out kombie, after we both discharged from the military after three years service. Once again we somehow managed to cause trouble and strife wherever we went, but boy did we have fun.
We said our goodbyes in England and didn't see each other for almost 25 years. Why we allowed that to happen I don't know. We came into contact again via the Internet and renewed our friendship, it was as though it never left us.
By chance and a stroke of good fortune both Adrian and I wound up as tour guides in China and it was Adrian who gave me the inspiration to apply for the job. He Had started lea
ding tours some 3 months before me and when I finished my training in Melbourne he was designated as my trainer.

Once again it was an amazing stroke of luck as nobody in the organisation knew of our connection. To say that we had a blast travelling form Hong Kong to Beijing over a three week period would be a massive understatement. It was more like we were on holidays and the passengers were just along for the ride and show.
Adrian and I have a unique ability to keep each other amused as well as an implicit trust in one another. Rare commodities and something that is hard to find.
So time has moved on for us both but we keep in regular contact with one another and when Adrian found out that he had an extended leave he decided to come for a visit to Canada. Oh and to look after the dog while I went away. That is what friends are for!
Alas it is not to be as Adrian's father is about to be released from hospital and he needs someone to look after him as he can't at this stage look after himself. Without hesitation Adrian has decided to stay and look after his Dad, never mind the trip, the large sum of money he has paid or anything else. As he said to me, "it's family." Enough said.
No grumbling or poor, poor me. Just an acceptance that it is the right thing to do. There will be other opportunities to travel to Canada but perhaps only one to help out his father. It is the right decision, albeit a hard one and I am not sure if I would have made such an altruistic choice. But that's the sort of guy he is, I keep telling him he is the nice one.
awww, sorry about Adrian! That's no good, i no how much you were looking forward to him coming across. But just think i'll be there soon woo hoo =) only 22 days to go! thats gonna be fun! cheer up love ya oxxo