This tale occurred when I was a tour guide in China and had flown into Hong Kong in preparation of taking a tour group from Hong Kong to Beijing.
I had just flown into Hong Kong from Phuket, Thailand and proceeded to the baggage carousel to pick up my back pack. For once my pack was one of the first off the aircraft but my joy was a little short lived as the back of my pack was soaking wet. The backpack must have been lying directly against the floor of the aircraft and the condensation had wet the pack.
I had no choice so I shouldered the pack and caught the bus to my Hong Kong hotel. Of course as soon as I placed the pack upon my back my shirt and shorts became wet.
After checking in I had to run some urgent errands in town so I had to go straight out again. If you have lived out of a backpack you will know how valuable clean clothes are and how you put off until the last possible moment changing them. I was now faced with this same dilemma.
I was then overtaken with inspiration as I had noticed that there was a hairdryer on the bedside table. Perfect, I could use this to dry my shorts.
So I took off my shorts and turned the hairdryer onto them. I was immediately impressed by the results, the shorts started to dry rapidly.
Now for various reasons I was not wearing any underwear, but this was of no concern, I was alone in the room on the 22 floor and no one could see into the room.
All of a sudden I had this strange feeling that we all sometimes get that someone was watching me. I turned around towards the door and there was a Chinese man standing there with a horrified look on his face. He stared at me a moment more and bolted out the door.
I don’t know who was more surprised him or I. I had not heard him come in because of the noise of the hairdryer. Then I realised what he must have seen. Here was this white guy standing there with just a t-shirt on and a hairdryer in his hand and from the angle he stood he would not have seen the pants only that that I had a hairdryer pointed
towards my groin area and a content look upon my face.
No doubt he thought that he had burst upon a guy with a severe hairdryer fetish.
Soon the phone rang. It was reception calling to tell me that a maintenance man had knocked upon my door and hearing no reply entered the room with a pass key. The receptionist said nothing about the incident, but asked if I could let them know when I was leaving the hotel so the maintenance man could enter the room without bothering me. There was an emphasis on the word bothering.
For the rest of my stay I am sure that the hotel staff scurried away when I approached. Worse still I had this strange feeling that they were also pointing me out to others and laughing behind my back.
I wonder why?
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Very interesting however I found my own personal experience with Canadian Troops that they lacked the discipline of the Austalian Digger, had no "killer" instinct and were very careless with equipment and rations. I won't mention their hygiene habits as there were none! As for the editors other experiences they should be envied by generation "Y" as the majority of them lack initiative and are not prepared to do the hard yards. Personally I don't like cold weather but if you have the right woman,a bottle of Merlot and a wood fire with a sheepskin on the floor then take me to the snow. It sounds like the editor has had an extremely interesting and diversified life and I look forward to the book on Tommy Tippett.