Not being from around Okanagan Falls and having very little experience in the area it appears to me that spring has just about sprung here.
Each day the sun appears to be shinning more brightly and the daily temperatures are rising to around 10-12c. The bare trees are starting to bud and yesterday on my walk with the dog the flatlands and hills were covered with a spread of tiny yellow flowers that looked like buttercups.
The deer we encountered on that walk look healthy and fat and no doubt there will soon be some new additions to these herds shortly. People were in their front yards gardening or just sitting, taking in the warm sun.
When I was in the local commercial centre of Penticton yesterday I had my first sighting for the year of shorts and t-shirts and many of those wandering the streets were jacketless. I even turned off the car heat and wound down the window for some welcome fresh air.
I am still being told by those that know about such things that we will get one more heavy dump of snow before the season ends but I can’t see it happening.
Spring is here! I had my first experience at the local Oliver cinema last night and a multiplex it isn't! One lone screen with a decor that dates back to the at least the 1950’s. I liked it.
The cinema is large and could easily accommodate several hundred patrons so it was rather amusing to go into the male bathroom to find a lone toilet bowl. I was told that the female bathroom was the same. On a busy night my advice would be to lay off the sodas.
In Memoriam: Janet Reid
10 months ago
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