Saturday, January 30, 2010


I finished the edit of my book Tommy Tippett on Friday and what a slog it was. I certainly preferred writing the book rather than editing it. My next task was going to be to format the book and get it into shape enough to have a beta reader or some other assessment made of the story.

As part of that process I started to re-read the first chapter and realised that it just didn't work. I am happy with parts of it but not the sum total. Having the dog, Ace narrating parts of the chapter doesn't gel so I will have to come up with a new begining which is a real embuggerance as I really want to get the story 'out there' to find out what people think about it.

Hopefully it will take but a few days to tweak the story and get it back on track.

I also have to get a title for the book and . I  Admit that I have been really slack and haven't given much thought to naming the book as nothing has really sprung out at me so it is something else I will have to give some thought to.

So still a little ways to go before I start shopping the query letter around to prospective literary agents.

If anyone reading this would be interested in reading some or perhaps all of Tommy Tippett, drop me a quick note and we can go from there.


  1. So, Tommy wakes from his nap, and is waiting to see what his today will bring....waiting, waiting, he's a very patient boy

  2. Hi there!
    I too want to write a book---Perhaps you could assist me...And help me with contacts
    within the industry (publishing)
    Be Safe!
    Tommy Tippett
    (I am on Facebook get me there! Tommy T is my user name)
